New Year – New You and New Year’s Resolutions

New Year New You

We’re nearly half-way through the first month of 2020 and many of us have probably already experienced a few hiccups in our New Year’s resolutions. That’s OK though–because the number one rule is to try—not for perfection, but for self-care and treating yourself more kindly in 2020. Yes, there’s always room for improvement, so, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again! Right? With that said, The Idea Specialists© at Belmont Park Bridge thought we’d do a little research to help you along the way. We found this list compiled by INC Magazine of the Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions made by folks just like you. Recognize any of them as similar to the ones you’ve made? We’ve added local organizations and businesses to the INC list, that can help you keep promises to yourself and reach your goals this year; all close in proximity to Belmont Park Bridge. Lets start by looking at the first 5. Here we go! 1. Diet or eat healthier (71 percent) – Eating healthy can often be a chore, especially if you work longer then usual hours or if your used to pulling into a drive through for sustenance. Eating right—really right, is important. So, go with the pros—a Registered Dietitian. Here’s a list of RD’s near home—right here in Alpharetta.  The advice of an RD is an investment in your health and worth every penny. 2. Exercise more (65 percent) – If getting more exercise is your goal, there’s lots of local resources to leverage for help, starting right here at home. Belmont Park Bridge is in the process of creating a brand new state-of-the-art fitness center on our property, just for you. In the meantime, do you need the help of a personal trainer or a class to get you motivated? Here’s a list of the best fitness centers, according to YELP, in Alpharetta. Check them out. Love to walk and commune with nature? There’s all sorts of trails in Alpharetta – convenient to Belmont Park Bridge – like one of our favorites—Big Creek Greenway. 3. Lose weight (54 percent) – Another option for loosing weight that we’re really keen on, is as close as your smart phone—Take a look at NOOM, with its highly successful tips and techniques to change food behaviors, ways to count calories and keep up with progress 4. Save more and spend less (32 percent) – Several of the best ways we’ve found to save money hearken back to #1 on this list – eating healthier. Do you make a list when you go to the grocery store or plow through the store when starving? Start a list. Forgo fast food. Make a meal plan and grocery list and learn to cook—take a look at Publix and Aprons ….which leads into our next suggestion for learning a new skill or hobby…. 5. Learn a new skill or hobby (26 percent) – Looks like we’ve got a theme here–don’t know how to cook? Then learn! There are plenty of opportunities to take advantage of others expertise. Publix, Whole Foods, Sur la Table and William Sonoma all offer lessons on cooking and meal prep!  Always wanted to grow your own vegetables but didn’t know where to start? Here’s an excellent article from The Spruce for beginners who want to learn about container gardening. To sum it up – we hope that you have a Happy New Year – and encourage you to keep up the good work. Take care….and focus on a great 2020!